Two Green Tea Desserts

I have somehow managed to successfully avoid matcha mania through the years. I don’t really need matcha bread and matcha horchata and matcha chocolate in my life, but I’ll make two exceptions. And both are desserts I’ve been lucky enough to try in New York. 


The sesame and green tea swirl soft serve at Cafe Zaiya. (only at the East 41st location) A smooth soft serve with complementary flavors. They’ve perfected the just barely sweet enough balance. It’s the kind of inviting texture and flavor that makes it way too easy to finish the whole cup.


And the green tea affogato at Cocoron. I’ve eaten there twice and both times this dessert was my favorite part of the meal. Fresh mochi, corn flakes, toasted rice, green tea ice cream, a dollop of red bean paste and a shot of green tea to pour over it. I may have even taken a video of the pour the first time Kevin and I ordered it. 

And speaking of frozen desserts, winter is coming. It’s not just a Game of Thrones tagline. It’s this brand new New Yorker’s truth. I was awoken this morning by the clanging and hissing of the radiator, which means that it was under 55F outside. And tonight I had to wear a wool scarf AND a hat to get to the subway. I couldn’t stifle my howls as the cold wind swept through me. It’s as cold outside right now as it gets in LA–and we’re still in October. Oh and it’s supposed to be in the 30s tomorrow night.