Kanro Pure Cola Lemon Gummies

I got these from my favorite Japanese crepe+snack shop in San Francisco because they remind me of, well, coke and lemon, a drink that’s served hot or cold in Hong Kong cafes. They’re super fun. Heart-shaped, firm gummies coated in crunchy faintly tangy sugar. Unfortunately not a substitute for the drink that inspired them, but I’ll take it!

P.s. Rookie blogger mistake: I ate these up before I could snap a photo of the gummies themselves. Good thing the package has a photo of them on the front.

Kabaya Watermelon Gummies

Imagine bright watermelon flavor, a textural cross between chewy German Haribos and soft Japanese Kasugai gummies, and the crunch of a finishing roll in sugar, and you’ve got these sweet Kabaya Suika gummies. They are tasty, fun and as a matter of course when it comes to Japanese snacks, adorable.

thanks Di!